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Information Through a Filter-Seeing Through the Holes

The Year is 2011…Steve Jobs is dead but David Rockefeller is still alive, I think there’s a connection lol. But not to think lightly of Steve Jobs, he changed the world and his spirit lives on through his creation…Oneday they will create an Application of Steve Jobs head like Zordon the floating head from power rangers…They will perfect the technology and he will live on in the iProducts, ha! moving on…

Information though a filter…do you watch the news at all? Canadian news isn’t so bad, but they get their news from primary sources, like The Associated Press, Reuters, BBC, The Globe and Mail, CNN-MSNBC-FOX(this is 1 beast to me, like the 9-headed hydra). But when watching the news these days you need to be very critical of it, examine the sources…who’s saying what, what are the alternative news outlets saying…Cross examine all the news you get from mainstream, and from “Global sources”, because there is an information war happening right now, and you need to expose liars in order to have a clean society, a clean conscience, and a clean future. It’s really getting to a bad point right now, just follow Israel in the news.

Everyone was joking about 2012… But there seems to be some manifest destiny occurring here. If I were a religious person, I’d say there’s a prophetic agenda here. Following the middle-east right now…things are about to get Biblical real soon if everyone ignores what’s happening. I’m not trying to scare anyone, but this is a wake up call.

Where will you be in 2012?…If you believe the 2012 jazz, a Bomb shelter perhaps? High in the mountains?…Could you save me a spot please? haha I’m going straight to the supermarket for food, and if the door is locked, I won’t use the door.

That’s all hubba-jubba BS, Fiddlesticks! you say?…How about no sticks!…Poverty is at an all-time high in the Western World, and Commonwealth Nations, Canada hides this well, it’s the social welfare structure. The Nations are bankrupt many times over. USA is on a killing spree… Iran is encircled and has armies at their doorstep, China and Russia watching intently, ready to take offense.
We hear news stories of “Assassination plots”(false), We see the People of Libya 1 million strong supporting Gaddafi and denouncing the United Nations en mass, and then a group of “Libyan rebels” brutally killing Gaddafi not long after…
Some say Osama Bin Laden died in 2001 from liver and kidney failure…But his family says he was healthy and strong to the end. Seal Team Six is the best unit oneday, and then they are DEAD soon after! Over 25 Seals…yes the exact ones that killed Osama and dumped his body are dead, their helicopter was shotdown. Crazy.

So we can see there is an information war happening here. I could go on with many more examples, but there are just too many. Everyday in the Large media and news outlets, there is way too much propaganda and outright lies…I want to say though, that Canadian news isn’t as bad as the larger news stations in the world. But Canadian news is also part of the whole network(they are just more discreet with their news)

The major online newspapers top columnists(Not all of them) are perverted wicked people at heart…I’ve seen too many of these characters. They speak worst than racists and slave-masters sometimes. They speak so inhumane and sinister, Malevolent.
I’ve always understood that people aren’t the Greatest, for the most part…But Holy Sh*t there’s a lot of stupid blood-sucking self-entitled Demon-ish Cocksuckers MF’s “Out there”…Bent on Wars and Robbing you, using our money to start Wars and cause harm to other nations. They say to fix the US they need to “Spend more”. Hah! So they increase the military budget and continue to bail out Billion dollar companies with the people’s money.

Does anyone get to vote for any of this?lol What the hell is going on here, who put these people in charge of those decisions?

What impact does any of this have on Canada? Oh you wait…If you are like me, mid-twenties…hell even if you are mid forties, this is going to be affecting you in one degree or another. I see it all on the horizon far in the distance, I’ve been watching it for a while now. And I’m not talking about OWS(Occupy Wall Street), although I give my support to that and hope more people will take attention to what’s going on in the World…Because in the end, you want the World to be a Clean place, not dirty leaders…dirty king’s and queen’s…dirty politicians…dirty media and news…There is no shame these days, just Major crimes being committed with no shame, just out in the open on live TV like our brother the USA the homicidal murderer that everyone just can’t get enough of…jeez

I understand we lie, cheat, steal, and occasionally murder…But this has gotten WAY OUTTA CONTROL! News is just unbelievable in the world right now. Many if not all the leaders of the world are criminals, and should be removed from office. But how do we go about that? Even if we had full regime changes, can this problem be solved? Are we as people really so weak, we can’t insure our own safety and well-being against these sociopathic overlords? We need to raise awareness…That’s it, plain and simple just that…start there.

I’m not asking you to fight the battle yet… I’m not even asking you to get ‘ready’ for battle. I’m telling you simply to spread notice to others, that the liars day is soon up…I truly believe the whole system we have right now is going to fall in on itself because of the “flow of information” and digital connectivity era upon us. That’s why I say notify others about this future event. This future event is going to be a crossroads, and at the crossroads there will be decisions to make…And you need to be informed properly of what is happening in order to make the correct decision. Because if we don’t, then it will be another win for the Empire of Enslavement, and then it will be a lot worse for us…50% taxes and higher in the future…an inflated “World Currency”…Terrorism like you couldn’t imagine, full world war, civil war, revolutions, you name it.
These are all very real possibilities right now. This is all unfolding like a very badly written book, the kind that has many holes in it, the kind that doesn’t end well. You know, horror book. It’s like the predictable and obvious scenes of a bad horror flick.*note to self* Don’t watch Human Centipede 2.

They say truth is stranger than fiction. You honestly couldn’t make up the crap we hear about in the news about our “ruling class” and their sociopathic actions…We could catch them red-handed eating humans alive and it wouldn’t surprise us…I already suspect that at this point lol.

Holes everywhere, local news is usually clean news, truthful reporting…because it’s local and can be confirmed locally… But as for world news, watch out for world news, have good judgement and understand how information is withheld and manipulated by the media and news outlets. Follow Israel and Iran in the news, Follow USA news outlets…And ALWAYS cross-examine reports with other sources and with Alternative news stations and newspapers.

This Article wasn’t what I expected it to be…but it’s all good information and food for thought.