Category Archives: Main

The 10 Plagues of Egypt…Can it Be Explained With Science?

1000 years ago, I would be killed publicly for speaking about this topic with the explanation I am about to give.

I was raised Uber Jehovah’s Witness, I left the organization at age 17 and officially left near age 20.

I left because of a Wicked Step-Mother…Not because of the organization itself, or because of the organizational “system” or “material” whatsoever.

I actually Loved the Jehovah’s Witnesses despite some misguidance…and I respected and loved the Bible, which I Believed was Gods Word…without a doubt.

Of course growing up with “Bible Stories”…I was told “God did this”, “angels did that”, “Donkey’s said this”, “Miracles happened regularly”….and of course Everything stood uncontested.

These instances in the Bible ALWAYS stood uncontested in my Religion…

As A Jehovah’s Witness(Just like other Christians), We were NEVER encouraged to question the Bible or God.

Now wait a second…. IF YOU WERE GOD….would you be afraid of ANY question? Would you discourage your followers to question you, so as to clarify matters for themselves? Ask questions for assurance?

When the Disciples asked Jesus questions…. did he avoid answering? Did he discourage them from asking questions? Especially the most important question regarding the legitimacy of Prophecy? and pertaining to the Credibility of God’s Word?

I can’t Imagine Jesus fretting in the face of criticism…

In fact…the only thing scared of Analysis and Criticism is…………LIES!…..and LIARS!
Remember that!

So anytime someone avoids an important question…you must question them further…until you have revealed or until they have revealed the truth. That is the rule, be tactful with your questions and astute with your reasoning….Draw answers with proper questioning.

With all of that said… I am now going to write about “The 10 Plagues of Egypt”

Hopefully with proper analysis of this article and the information presented, you will finally understand exactly WHAT caused the “10 Plagues of Egypt”.

Was it the Direct or Indirect Will of God? That may not be provable, so let us focus on what IS provable.

Supernatural is Unprovable by natural means…so we cannot account for the 10 Plagues Supernaturally even if it was supernatural because Naturally we have no means of measuring the Supernatural.

But what we can measure, is everything Natural….So let us now look at the Natural Characteristics of “The 10 Plagues” along with other instances of “Supernatural Anomaly” that occurred during the 10 Plagues events.

You are about to gain new perspective, and a dash of Biblical wisdom/insight.

I have recently analyzed the events somewhat thoroughly, and to my knowledge…I have never seen or heard the information I am about to disclose.

WHAT CAUSED THE 10 PLAGUES OF EGYPT…? That is the Question so many would like to dissect without persecution…Hopefully the Vatican won’t arrange my assassination after speaking about this..enjoy

Soon to be posted

New Keyboard, New Post!


I finally have a keyboard again to type with(Sweet), worthy of having a post dedicated to it(Most surely).

A computer without a keyboard, is like… a woman with no… reproductive pussy organ… She’s nice to stare at in awe and amazement…but of course you’re unable to penetrate her with your creative substance, by using the magical action of your warmed fingertips in highspeed motion…oh yeah baby! repetitive highspeed motion baby! Enough to keep my fingers warm with residual content…achem

Ok enough of that.

I’m just happy to be back online with keyboard in hand! Someone out there must know how difficult it is to not have a working keyboard for 3 weeks…it’s dismal.

When the Italian cruise ship went down for instance I couldn’t stop thinking, “Fk! I bet at least 5-10 Perfectly good keyboards went down with the ship, and won’t be recovered”…”and if they are recovered…they won’t be in working condition”…that was my first reaction.

I’m just glad the Captain of the ship made it off alive and wasn’t too “shaken” by the whole disaster.

He offered $16,000 to the survivors which I think is a horrible offer… They should just be happy to have their lives after the Captain saved their ass…Now all of the sudden they want money in return for being saved…Maybe I’m missing something but I think they are over-reacting…anyone else think so? please comment.

I would have offered them another cruise for free, somewhere off the coast of Antarctica in the Ice-Waters…See how appreciative they are of my commandeering then…Crash this whole fucken boat in the Water, meet you at the bottom of the South Oceania with nothing but a clenched hand Prayer full of H20 Mofo…am I saying that correctly? hope so.

Next question…where have all my viewers gone? I used to be Mr. Popular, High-Sky-Rise Capital Mr. Socio-Magnet…

Yeah haha Socio-Magnet…My new label…open for interpretation.

I’m about to Journalize my life actions, reactions, Distractions and diffractions, my Affections and Effections….What’s this? effections ain’t in the Dictionary?

Well whatchu know about a Dictionary! Boy!

To be continued…

My next post will be juicy with content…I’ll be speaking of “Workplace Abuse in Canada, Trendy and On The Rise”.

Delightful first hand experience I had…and by delightful…I mean the furthest thing from it. Please urge me to write about it, even though I will. Thanks foe stopping in.

I’m an Ex Jehovah’s Witness, Worldly Implications

Hi again, it’s been a while since my last post…I’ve been incredibly busy, occupied with important things…very important things… *yeah right
When you are “part of the World” like I am, you can’t help but get caught up with the intricate nature of living and its tendency to blindside you…
Excitingly, Life is Dynamic, and ever-changing…Throwing something uniquely new your way everyday, whether good or bad… I guess it’s what you make of it, and what lessons you take from it…then how you apply yourself in order to progress.

Which brings us to my reason for posting today…”Jehovah’s Witness Vs. “The World”

I was born into the Jehovah’s Witness religion, against my will…but it ended up becoming my will.

My Father came into it JUST before I was born…Lucky me. My Parents separated and my mother chose not to be a full time practicer…While my Dad was left in the religion, investigating further what the Jehovah’s Witnesses taught and believed.

So I grew up in the middle of both sides… A very strict regulated side, and a more free independent less regulated side. For me, it was living with “extremes” and seemed very absolute. ie. you are either a good person or a bad person. You are either with us or against us. Complete segregation and exclusion…extreme.

Thank God my mother was level-headed, and I had her confidence to lean on…after all, she lived in “The World” while I was wondering *Which side am I on…

In my mind “The World” is like a bad guy or something…something utterly feared… Like being a child, you really feel “the World” is out to get you.

I wasn’t even sure How the World was gonna kill me…but I just knew…that the World could kill me a number of ways and I would be none the wiser…So I was petrified, terrified of the Wicked World and its overwhelming hatred for me… Oh I’m sorry, I mean “Us”…All of us God-fearing lovers of goodness and truth…you know…like the Jehovah’s Witnesses.

*Even though they disown their own flesh and blood, for the promises of their leaders(Governing Body)…for the promise of deliverance from Sin.

If deliverance is contingent upon disowning/abandoning your children…then guess a LOT of JW’s will be delivered when the time comes…Right? No?

If deliverance is dependent on abandoning freewill and personal discernment/judgment…Then there sure is going to be a LOT of Brainless Sheep in “Heaven”…or “Paradise”…But I hear Brains don’t make it to Paradise so who needs Brains in this life or the next, right?

Who needs freewill and discernment?…only people in “the World”? or Everyone? both “Worldlys” and “Faithers” alike?

Any organization or Religion that inhibits your freewill and personal discernment by use of force, intimidation, coercion, threats, smothering, emotional programming, contracts, guilt and all the cunning deceptions etc.
Is Not a religion of Truth.

The Religion of Truth doesn’t exist today, at least to my knowledge…

The Religion of the World is not one of Truth… Frankly it is quite a delusion and an illusion in a very deep sense.

The Religion of the World is “Sensory deprivation”…and is based on tricking the senses, false realities, and inhibition of potential…inhibition of our true Universal capacity…it is the Religion of Limitations.

Only those controlling the religion are benefiting…The ones creating the delusions…The Liars…
In respects to the Bible…”The House of Satan(The Liar)” is in control of this religion. ei. Special interests, secret organizations, etc.

The Organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses fall into this category… Inhibitors of freewill, preventers of personal understanding and discernment…Their Teachings(Not Bible teachings) are a ball and chain to all their followers.
Anytime an Organization discourages education, and discourages research…then that is truly a Religion of The Liar.

Because if God is true let’s say….Then would He be afraid of your quest for knowledge? Would he be afraid of even the most blasphemous most contentious of lies? Of course Not! It’s absurd to think that God is afraid of anything…let alone lies…

So why is researching and education such a frightening notion?… Because the Liars hate truth, and avoid at all costs having your investigations come their way.

God encourages you to research…If God exists he is most pleased with your search for Universal knowledge.

But living in “The World” is not the same as living in the World….
To the Jehovah’s Witnesses, “The World” is lying in the power of the wicked one…

But this does not mean the Whole World is corrupted…it just means that Corruption is the “theme” in the world… Just as corruption was the theme of the world in Biblical times.

It’s been 4 years since I truly broke free from certain delusions…Like the ME vs YOU mentality.
But what’s interesting is my Definitions and interpretations have been redefined and reinterpreted from the proper perspective now. Finally everything I had previously known has been reformatted according to Reality.

My definitions of God and the Universe now have more clarity and meaning… My knowledge and understanding is now based on sound principles and definitions…

I had always understood from a young age the Real Truth behind the False Truth that was forcefed to me.

So when I finally decided to break free from delusion…the Truth hit me very deeply and resonated with my inner knowledge, which had previously been restrained to the confines of restrictive limitation…

All our lives could be better yes…and yes there is dominating corruption in the World that seems hard to overcome…

But our own personal investment in seeking knowledge and searching for answers…Is the Key to unlocking the most magnificent potential of all. The Inner potential that starts with Will…The Will to exceed oneself, transcendence…The Power to Manifest into reality, something that you thought never could be imagined…let alone be brought into fruition.

I spoke out loud a thought of sorts,
2 voices replied on cue.
I’d say both voices were mine of course,
But I could only be 1 of the 2.

Extreme Decisions n Absolutest terms
Who defines and condemns Earth’s wicked germs..
Surely not the Imposters of old…
Who sell lies and hoard Truth, along with their Gold.

Direction… being a way in itself
Upon further inspection you’ll find inner wealth.
So lift off the veil if it warps your true nature,
And align your freewill to the will of your maker.

The Universe smiles when you are happy,
It cries when you fall down.
It stares at you, when you stare at It
And in your inner ear It resounds.

Abraham’s Link to Ancient India

I am about to speak very critically about Abraham the father of the 3 major religions Judaism, Christianity, and Islam…some would argue that Islam predates Abraham(which I agree with), however historically speaking, Abraham is the father of all the present Islamic nations(Agreed? good).

Some would say Abraham’s God was Yahweh, and others would say it was Allah…

To clear this up quickly I will tell you that Yahweh IS Allah, and to Him belong the most beautiful names… Abraham called God “El Shaddai” which means “God Almighty” OR “THE Almighty”…”THE” as in “THE ONLY”, speaking in absolute terms…moving on.

To elaborate, Yah is equal to saying “Jah” and Al-lah is equal to El-Yah…Both meaning “THE GOD”(Agreed? Good).

Now that we are past that common misunderstanding we can continue speaking about Abraham’s link to Ancient India(Known as Bharata in ancient times)…This link very much exists and it is my hope that you will be enlightened after reading this.

Can we trace Abraham, and thus the 3 major Religions, back to Ancient India? Absolutely, and although it may bother so-called religious people…If they were truly followers of truth, it should not bother them at all…but instead draw them closer to truth, and thus closer to “El Shaddai” the God of all things.

Even if you are highly critical of quote GOD unquote, then this information is something that will benefit you greatly in your quest for full knowledge and understanding…so please stay with me and take in critically what I am about to disclose to you. I am an advocate for truth above all(not your truth or my truth, but Universal truth), Universal truth trumps all.

Many people spend their lives trying to understand exactly what I am going to speak about here…So please bookmark this page and/or share it with your world like I am.

With that as my introduction…I will now begin my article.

“Abraham’s Link to Ancient India”

Our story begins in the land of Ur…Sumer to be more precise…but Ur was Southern Sumer, also known as Southern Mesopotamia…This location has great significance and I will ask you to search on Google Maps exactly the region I am speaking about…to better understand it’s location in relation to the surrounding area…particularly West India.

Once you do that, you will see for yourself that Ur of Chaldea was a port city in the Persian gulf…Port cities in Ancient times as well as in present times, are cities of great diversity…primarily because of the large amount of traffic and trade taking place(imports/exports). This made Ur a thriving metropolis of great diversity…diversity of products and ethnicities, peoples and ideologies.

Now that I’ve set the scene, let’s look at Abraham’s father Terah…
Terah was King Nimrod’s High officer, a high priest that worshipped idols according to text…and reasonably so, in a city full of diverse religions and ideologies…being flexible with his beliefs allowed for better relationships with the locals…who were very polytheistic and set in their idol-worshipping ways.

Also Terah was interested in keeping his relationship with the King in good standing…But how did Terah secure such a high position with the ruling class? good question…He was most likely a well off travelling Indian merchant that made his living carving and selling idols(because they sold like crazy), in fact this is what the Bible and Quran say…that he was a prominent idol maker and was appointed a higher position, that relied on his compliance.

Terah in hebrew means “wanderer”…but obviously “Wanderer” wouldn’t have been his birth name, OR Terah is in fact his real name but does not mean wanderer at all, his name took on this meaning of wanderer later because he came from somewhere else… But where was he wandering from? another good question…

The answer is…India, Ancient West Bharata…it’s true. Look at the Map to see how West India is connected to the Persian Gulf…

Terah was of the Mercantile Caste of Indian travellers called the Khassis or Kassites
the Kassites were part of the Exodus out of India…After constant flooding, the exodus took place over centuries and many Indian colonies moved in search for more habitable land.

To prove further that Abraham was of Indian descent…is the fact that his mentor was a Indian Mystic Priest(Melchizadek), A practicer of Eastern mysticism and philosophy…

To prove even further that Abraham is of Indian descent…let’s discuss his name. The root word of Abraham is “Brahma”….Abraham can be translated as “A Brahma”.

A-Brahma…actually means “Not a Brahmin”…Brahmin’s are a priestly caste of Hindu’s that worshipped Idols at the time, as everyone did. True Brahmins would have been monotheistic but polytheism gripped everyone very deeply in those times, and monotheism(1 God worship), was not the norm, by any means…even though Ancient texts clearly stated that there is only 1 Creator/Creation of the Universe…Not multiple Creators…IF there is a Creator, logically 1 is only needed…So polytheism was easy for a logical person do disprove.

Which is why Abraham realized that idol worship was wrong, because if God was real, which he believed he was…it was 1 God alone that created it all and only 1 God you should worship. Abraham despised idols, and adopted Yahwism…which back then was another way of saying Mono-Theism…One God Almighty, “El Shaddai”

In Hindu Scripture you have Brahma and his consort Sarahsveti…Now compare that to Abraham and his consort Sarah and you can plainly see they are the same people…it’s not rocket science. If you choose not to believe this, then I can go on to compare many many more famous names in the Bible with Ancient Hindu names that exist beside Hebrew scripture and legitimize the details, confirming the direct link between Hindu texts and Hebrew texts. Lord Rama and Lord Shiva for instance…these are Hindu characters that you will also find in the Bible as Raamah son of Cush, Cush was the son of Ham….And Seba(Shiva) is the brother of Raamah(also had son Sheba)…yes the genealogy might not be entirely correct..But the names are there nonetheless and undeniable.

Genesis 10:7 “And the sons of Cush; Seba, and Havilah, and Sabtah, and Raamah, and Sabtechah: and the sons of Raamah; Sheba, and Dedan”. These Sons would have been rulers and viewed as royalty and even revered as LORD’s among men.

Abram can also be translated Ab(Father)Ram(Exalted) or LORD Ram… but most likely Abraham from the Bible AND his sister/wife Sarah were given their names as part of the Hindu royal tradition of representing God and his consort…they were seen as Incarnations of God/Goddesses…just as today many see Jesus as the Human incarnate of God himself, and by incarnate I mean the Very Epitome of God, the Beginning and End, The Redeemer. Jesus in this way was an Avatar like Rama king of Ayodhya(Judea).

I’m side-tracking here, I know it is a lot of info…But I assure you it is worth knowing, if you ever come across religious fanatics consider this ammo for your arsenal of discussion and debate, not to be taken lightly.


I don’t site my studies so that you will research yourself, and find the conclusions on your own.

One thing cannot be refuted…The name Abraham has no Semitic origins, Scholars would agree…AND Abraham was revered as royalty, followed as a leader, appreciated as a Lord above men, Exalted in many lands…His father was a traveling Indian priest and his mentor was an Indian Priest…and he chose to worship 1 God…Allah THE God, GOD ALMIGHTY… in a time when Polytheism was the Major religion.

So in concluding we can see that ALL MAJOR RELIGIONS Started in Ancient India(Bharat)

And if you research true will find they believe in 1 God with Infinite names, to this God belongs the most beautiful names. The Sustainer, The Creator, The Most Loving, The Most Merciful, The Most Gracious etc.

So whether you believe in Allah or Yahweh, always remember El-Jah translated “THE GOD” is truly the only God worth your time and devotion.

Perhaps I’ll expand this topic later.
Thanks for reading, I would love if you left related comments or criticisms.

Information Through a Filter-Seeing Through the Holes

The Year is 2011…Steve Jobs is dead but David Rockefeller is still alive, I think there’s a connection lol. But not to think lightly of Steve Jobs, he changed the world and his spirit lives on through his creation…Oneday they will create an Application of Steve Jobs head like Zordon the floating head from power rangers…They will perfect the technology and he will live on in the iProducts, ha! moving on…

Information though a filter…do you watch the news at all? Canadian news isn’t so bad, but they get their news from primary sources, like The Associated Press, Reuters, BBC, The Globe and Mail, CNN-MSNBC-FOX(this is 1 beast to me, like the 9-headed hydra). But when watching the news these days you need to be very critical of it, examine the sources…who’s saying what, what are the alternative news outlets saying…Cross examine all the news you get from mainstream, and from “Global sources”, because there is an information war happening right now, and you need to expose liars in order to have a clean society, a clean conscience, and a clean future. It’s really getting to a bad point right now, just follow Israel in the news.

Everyone was joking about 2012… But there seems to be some manifest destiny occurring here. If I were a religious person, I’d say there’s a prophetic agenda here. Following the middle-east right now…things are about to get Biblical real soon if everyone ignores what’s happening. I’m not trying to scare anyone, but this is a wake up call.

Where will you be in 2012?…If you believe the 2012 jazz, a Bomb shelter perhaps? High in the mountains?…Could you save me a spot please? haha I’m going straight to the supermarket for food, and if the door is locked, I won’t use the door.

That’s all hubba-jubba BS, Fiddlesticks! you say?…How about no sticks!…Poverty is at an all-time high in the Western World, and Commonwealth Nations, Canada hides this well, it’s the social welfare structure. The Nations are bankrupt many times over. USA is on a killing spree… Iran is encircled and has armies at their doorstep, China and Russia watching intently, ready to take offense.
We hear news stories of “Assassination plots”(false), We see the People of Libya 1 million strong supporting Gaddafi and denouncing the United Nations en mass, and then a group of “Libyan rebels” brutally killing Gaddafi not long after…
Some say Osama Bin Laden died in 2001 from liver and kidney failure…But his family says he was healthy and strong to the end. Seal Team Six is the best unit oneday, and then they are DEAD soon after! Over 25 Seals…yes the exact ones that killed Osama and dumped his body are dead, their helicopter was shotdown. Crazy.

So we can see there is an information war happening here. I could go on with many more examples, but there are just too many. Everyday in the Large media and news outlets, there is way too much propaganda and outright lies…I want to say though, that Canadian news isn’t as bad as the larger news stations in the world. But Canadian news is also part of the whole network(they are just more discreet with their news)

The major online newspapers top columnists(Not all of them) are perverted wicked people at heart…I’ve seen too many of these characters. They speak worst than racists and slave-masters sometimes. They speak so inhumane and sinister, Malevolent.
I’ve always understood that people aren’t the Greatest, for the most part…But Holy Sh*t there’s a lot of stupid blood-sucking self-entitled Demon-ish Cocksuckers MF’s “Out there”…Bent on Wars and Robbing you, using our money to start Wars and cause harm to other nations. They say to fix the US they need to “Spend more”. Hah! So they increase the military budget and continue to bail out Billion dollar companies with the people’s money.

Does anyone get to vote for any of this?lol What the hell is going on here, who put these people in charge of those decisions?

What impact does any of this have on Canada? Oh you wait…If you are like me, mid-twenties…hell even if you are mid forties, this is going to be affecting you in one degree or another. I see it all on the horizon far in the distance, I’ve been watching it for a while now. And I’m not talking about OWS(Occupy Wall Street), although I give my support to that and hope more people will take attention to what’s going on in the World…Because in the end, you want the World to be a Clean place, not dirty leaders…dirty king’s and queen’s…dirty politicians…dirty media and news…There is no shame these days, just Major crimes being committed with no shame, just out in the open on live TV like our brother the USA the homicidal murderer that everyone just can’t get enough of…jeez

I understand we lie, cheat, steal, and occasionally murder…But this has gotten WAY OUTTA CONTROL! News is just unbelievable in the world right now. Many if not all the leaders of the world are criminals, and should be removed from office. But how do we go about that? Even if we had full regime changes, can this problem be solved? Are we as people really so weak, we can’t insure our own safety and well-being against these sociopathic overlords? We need to raise awareness…That’s it, plain and simple just that…start there.

I’m not asking you to fight the battle yet… I’m not even asking you to get ‘ready’ for battle. I’m telling you simply to spread notice to others, that the liars day is soon up…I truly believe the whole system we have right now is going to fall in on itself because of the “flow of information” and digital connectivity era upon us. That’s why I say notify others about this future event. This future event is going to be a crossroads, and at the crossroads there will be decisions to make…And you need to be informed properly of what is happening in order to make the correct decision. Because if we don’t, then it will be another win for the Empire of Enslavement, and then it will be a lot worse for us…50% taxes and higher in the future…an inflated “World Currency”…Terrorism like you couldn’t imagine, full world war, civil war, revolutions, you name it.
These are all very real possibilities right now. This is all unfolding like a very badly written book, the kind that has many holes in it, the kind that doesn’t end well. You know, horror book. It’s like the predictable and obvious scenes of a bad horror flick.*note to self* Don’t watch Human Centipede 2.

They say truth is stranger than fiction. You honestly couldn’t make up the crap we hear about in the news about our “ruling class” and their sociopathic actions…We could catch them red-handed eating humans alive and it wouldn’t surprise us…I already suspect that at this point lol.

Holes everywhere, local news is usually clean news, truthful reporting…because it’s local and can be confirmed locally… But as for world news, watch out for world news, have good judgement and understand how information is withheld and manipulated by the media and news outlets. Follow Israel and Iran in the news, Follow USA news outlets…And ALWAYS cross-examine reports with other sources and with Alternative news stations and newspapers.

This Article wasn’t what I expected it to be…but it’s all good information and food for thought.

A Grand Speculation

Hi there! My name is JahElJah,

Welcome to my article The Grand Speculation,

Reading this, You might find yourself asking the question, “what point is he trying to make exactly”? But bare with me if you can, even if just to leave your opinion and comments about anything at all. I have a wealth of information I would like to share, and want to hear what people think. I welcome criticism and I love to debate, everyone is welcome.

This is my first attempt testing blog technology and my hope is that it reaches my goal discussing some interesting topics for today and the future…I’m more about facing the hard issues with a very reserved approach, logic and science, critical thinking and objectiveness.

So please if you find me injecting too many “instinctive feelings” into my entries, as opposed to “calculated ideas”, notify me of my slip ups(if there are any). It will make for good discussion, and I grade listeners on attentiveness and comprehension.

The topic of overall discussion in most of my blog entries will be “The Universe”…Which is vague considering every topic lies in that category. But my parallels are always linked to the Universe. Because the contents of the Universe at the smallest degrees of complexity, can be very telling of the Universe at higher degrees of complexity. For instance the “Characteristics” of smaller organisms or bodies that are the same for larger organisms or bodies. And the “Laws and Principles” that hold true for everything.

From time immemorial this topic has been the free-thinker’s most important topic of debate…The Universe, and how we relate to it(finding purpose). All of the greatest mind’s, including yours and my own can at least agree that there is something important and timeless surrounding the question of the Universe. 1. Is it simple? is it complex? 2. Is it too complex to understand? These are segue questions to lead us to my first blog topic.

The Grand Speculation:

1. Is it simple random events? is it complex and calculated?
Most scientists would agree, that everything as we know it today came about by a series of smaller gradual events. Smaller gradual events such as particles bonding to one another to create something new, or smaller systems advancing in structure and complexity, taking on new function and becoming new systems.

I would agree with this, over time in an infinite equation sooner or later you will have “patterns” emerge:

figure 1.
397429(22)162(88)032    you will get pairs and so forth. But now consider this…

What if…You throw in a law like Magnetism, because it is a law in our Universe.

So let’s say 3’s are attracted magnetically to 2’s and 9’s repel everything but 0… 0 and the rest are neutral. You get where I’m going with this.

Now we have something that looks like this…

figure 2.

5323223742332023231510939090990962500900999 Hardly random, there are instant patterns.

This is RICH with interaction as the law of Magnetism creates the most “Fertile” environment for Bonds to occur, an attractive state. I’m speaking in more general terms here for ease of readability. But it’s the “Electrochemical magnetism” to be specific. Which I will get into later. However I might not have all the answers…I feel confident I have insights though. Continuing on…

So we can see how although things might start off simple, in the right setting/environment they will increase in complexity at an increased rate and create lasting bonds and so forth…and in an Infinite equation the possibilities are endless. Later I will discuss how the “Laws of the Universe” actually limit the equation from being truly infinite, and how the possibilities are also within a boundary. The Random aspect is also affected, and I will explain.

I have a problem with 1 MAJOR thing in the world, maybe one of you can inform me otherwise…But I got a problem with this whole “Random Events” BS they tout and teach or at least I’ve been taught, and here’s why…

Using my examples of random patterns above…Which number would you say is truly random? No. 1 without a doubt

Now it’s to my understanding that “scientists” believe, and this is also what I’ve been told by others… That everything in EXISTENCE came about by these “Random events”…. So now I want to distinguish between that explanation and my explanation.

“The events were no more random than catching a ball with a baseball glove” is what I say. Just as baseball gloves are designed to attract incoming baseballs… So too, because of the “Laws of Magnetism” the Universal contents are designed in nature to “attract and interact”. In MY Universe, from the very beginning, there have been these Laws… right at the instant after Big Bang. Before the Big Bang is a topic I will discuss later in another entry.

So how “Random” really is it to accomplish something you were designed to do. How “Random” is it for 2 parts Hydrogen to Bond with 1 part Oxygen to form H20? Is that really a “Random” event? Hardly…Not in an environment ripe for interaction and attraction, it’s actually predictable.

Who knows why those particles are attracted to each other specifically, but it is a relationship nonetheless based on their characteristics and based on their means of communication; their environment which is Rich with interaction. But these aren’t truly “Random events”, although randomness is part of the “Equation of the Universe”…The “Laws of the Universe” set parameters to follow, so none of these events are random…in fact within the “guidelines/parameters”, everything in our Existence was inevitable, everything is Predictable. Our Existence here today was predictable…Even before the Big Bang, we were foreseeable…just waiting to happen on cue. We happened “On cue”. This is a deep revelation to me sorry if I’m repeating myself.

Without the Guidelines, the “Laws of the Universe”, there would be nothing but a massive body of chaos and void, cataclysmic in nature. There would be no order whatsoever…and any pattern created would get destroyed soon thereafter by the chaos and cataclysmic surrounding state.

What do you think? Do you believe in the “random events” explanation?…Because I hear them use THAT as the explanation for how it all came about. Isn’t this what you were taught? comments pls

2. Is the Universe too complex to understand?
Well if you managed to read up to this point, then…NO! it’s not too complex to understand, you are in good hands lol… Just Kidding! Kudos to you, not me. I’m just an idiot tryin to think too hard =)

End of main section.

So concluding my article, I’ve come to the answer that the “Random events” theory falls flat on it’s face. We need to look deeper into the origins of the Laws and Principles that turned something random, into something predictable. Because Given the conditions that exist, we could have predicted this would happen with the Equation we were given, because the equation is designed to get “ALL THIS” as the exact answer or response. The “Equation of the Universe”…is in fact real. And Everything we see today could have been predicted before the Big bang(at least by me lol), knowing what we know today about how it all happened. Which begs the question…

What’s really going on here??? Why is this so important??? Why do I care?
Because If a creature like us was predicted to occur over 13 billion years ago, then doesn’t that REALLY question your role here?…and doesn’t that give our lives new meaning? Of course it does.. We really need to understand the Super-Organism that produced all this…Before the Big Bang…Which I do believe in. We need to speculate Grandly about this “State of the Universe”…Based on our current knowledge, and based on “Universal Law and Principle”

End of article

End comment.

There is nothing more I Hate, and I mean Hate with a passion than somebody who says “I can’t do it”, unless they are disabled(I am merciful and just). I’ll tell you the Earth wasn’t built on those uncooperative characteristics. So being/staying true to the Universe and nature…those types of people need to pull their socks up, hear their calling and tune into their purpose here on Earth.

>>>I<<< believe in a Universal way of living, I get my personal principles and Laws from the Universe itself. Humans are a part of the Universe so their "Laws" count for something and are to be taken seriously…But Not all their crooked laws. Some laws we can agree are timeless, like wrongful killing for example. Not only do Humans frown at this behavior, but it actually goes against the Universal Laws that created us and the Earth. There are many examples of Universal Law and principle that I will discuss in future entries. Thanks for reading.