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Abraham’s Link to Ancient India

I am about to speak very critically about Abraham the father of the 3 major religions Judaism, Christianity, and Islam…some would argue that Islam predates Abraham(which I agree with), however historically speaking, Abraham is the father of all the present Islamic nations(Agreed? good).

Some would say Abraham’s God was Yahweh, and others would say it was Allah…

To clear this up quickly I will tell you that Yahweh IS Allah, and to Him belong the most beautiful names… Abraham called God “El Shaddai” which means “God Almighty” OR “THE Almighty”…”THE” as in “THE ONLY”, speaking in absolute terms…moving on.

To elaborate, Yah is equal to saying “Jah” and Al-lah is equal to El-Yah…Both meaning “THE GOD”(Agreed? Good).

Now that we are past that common misunderstanding we can continue speaking about Abraham’s link to Ancient India(Known as Bharata in ancient times)…This link very much exists and it is my hope that you will be enlightened after reading this.

Can we trace Abraham, and thus the 3 major Religions, back to Ancient India? Absolutely, and although it may bother so-called religious people…If they were truly followers of truth, it should not bother them at all…but instead draw them closer to truth, and thus closer to “El Shaddai” the God of all things.

Even if you are highly critical of quote GOD unquote, then this information is something that will benefit you greatly in your quest for full knowledge and understanding…so please stay with me and take in critically what I am about to disclose to you. I am an advocate for truth above all(not your truth or my truth, but Universal truth), Universal truth trumps all.

Many people spend their lives trying to understand exactly what I am going to speak about here…So please bookmark this page and/or share it with your world like I am.

With that as my introduction…I will now begin my article.

“Abraham’s Link to Ancient India”

Our story begins in the land of Ur…Sumer to be more precise…but Ur was Southern Sumer, also known as Southern Mesopotamia…This location has great significance and I will ask you to search on Google Maps exactly the region I am speaking about…to better understand it’s location in relation to the surrounding area…particularly West India.

Once you do that, you will see for yourself that Ur of Chaldea was a port city in the Persian gulf…Port cities in Ancient times as well as in present times, are cities of great diversity…primarily because of the large amount of traffic and trade taking place(imports/exports). This made Ur a thriving metropolis of great diversity…diversity of products and ethnicities, peoples and ideologies.

Now that I’ve set the scene, let’s look at Abraham’s father Terah…
Terah was King Nimrod’s High officer, a high priest that worshipped idols according to text…and reasonably so, in a city full of diverse religions and ideologies…being flexible with his beliefs allowed for better relationships with the locals…who were very polytheistic and set in their idol-worshipping ways.

Also Terah was interested in keeping his relationship with the King in good standing…But how did Terah secure such a high position with the ruling class? good question…He was most likely a well off travelling Indian merchant that made his living carving and selling idols(because they sold like crazy), in fact this is what the Bible and Quran say…that he was a prominent idol maker and was appointed a higher position, that relied on his compliance.

Terah in hebrew means “wanderer”…but obviously “Wanderer” wouldn’t have been his birth name, OR Terah is in fact his real name but does not mean wanderer at all, his name took on this meaning of wanderer later because he came from somewhere else… But where was he wandering from? another good question…

The answer is…India, Ancient West Bharata…it’s true. Look at the Map to see how West India is connected to the Persian Gulf…

Terah was of the Mercantile Caste of Indian travellers called the Khassis or Kassites
the Kassites were part of the Exodus out of India…After constant flooding, the exodus took place over centuries and many Indian colonies moved in search for more habitable land.

To prove further that Abraham was of Indian descent…is the fact that his mentor was a Indian Mystic Priest(Melchizadek), A practicer of Eastern mysticism and philosophy…

To prove even further that Abraham is of Indian descent…let’s discuss his name. The root word of Abraham is “Brahma”….Abraham can be translated as “A Brahma”.

A-Brahma…actually means “Not a Brahmin”…Brahmin’s are a priestly caste of Hindu’s that worshipped Idols at the time, as everyone did. True Brahmins would have been monotheistic but polytheism gripped everyone very deeply in those times, and monotheism(1 God worship), was not the norm, by any means…even though Ancient texts clearly stated that there is only 1 Creator/Creation of the Universe…Not multiple Creators…IF there is a Creator, logically 1 is only needed…So polytheism was easy for a logical person do disprove.

Which is why Abraham realized that idol worship was wrong, because if God was real, which he believed he was…it was 1 God alone that created it all and only 1 God you should worship. Abraham despised idols, and adopted Yahwism…which back then was another way of saying Mono-Theism…One God Almighty, “El Shaddai”

In Hindu Scripture you have Brahma and his consort Sarahsveti…Now compare that to Abraham and his consort Sarah and you can plainly see they are the same people…it’s not rocket science. If you choose not to believe this, then I can go on to compare many many more famous names in the Bible with Ancient Hindu names that exist beside Hebrew scripture and legitimize the details, confirming the direct link between Hindu texts and Hebrew texts. Lord Rama and Lord Shiva for instance…these are Hindu characters that you will also find in the Bible as Raamah son of Cush, Cush was the son of Ham….And Seba(Shiva) is the brother of Raamah(also had son Sheba)…yes the genealogy might not be entirely correct..But the names are there nonetheless and undeniable.

Genesis 10:7 “And the sons of Cush; Seba, and Havilah, and Sabtah, and Raamah, and Sabtechah: and the sons of Raamah; Sheba, and Dedan”. These Sons would have been rulers and viewed as royalty and even revered as LORD’s among men.

Abram can also be translated Ab(Father)Ram(Exalted) or LORD Ram… but most likely Abraham from the Bible AND his sister/wife Sarah were given their names as part of the Hindu royal tradition of representing God and his consort…they were seen as Incarnations of God/Goddesses…just as today many see Jesus as the Human incarnate of God himself, and by incarnate I mean the Very Epitome of God, the Beginning and End, The Redeemer. Jesus in this way was an Avatar like Rama king of Ayodhya(Judea).

I’m side-tracking here, I know it is a lot of info…But I assure you it is worth knowing, if you ever come across religious fanatics consider this ammo for your arsenal of discussion and debate, not to be taken lightly.


I don’t site my studies so that you will research yourself, and find the conclusions on your own.

One thing cannot be refuted…The name Abraham has no Semitic origins, Scholars would agree…AND Abraham was revered as royalty, followed as a leader, appreciated as a Lord above men, Exalted in many lands…His father was a traveling Indian priest and his mentor was an Indian Priest…and he chose to worship 1 God…Allah THE God, GOD ALMIGHTY… in a time when Polytheism was the Major religion.

So in concluding we can see that ALL MAJOR RELIGIONS Started in Ancient India(Bharat)

And if you research true will find they believe in 1 God with Infinite names, to this God belongs the most beautiful names. The Sustainer, The Creator, The Most Loving, The Most Merciful, The Most Gracious etc.

So whether you believe in Allah or Yahweh, always remember El-Jah translated “THE GOD” is truly the only God worth your time and devotion.

Perhaps I’ll expand this topic later.
Thanks for reading, I would love if you left related comments or criticisms.